1916 - 2012

This oehfamily web site is dedicated to Florence Evelyn Huntington. Florence was the biggest supporter of the family web site idea and content. It is amazing that in her later years that she got her P/C and high speed Internet and learned email. She has also read most of the web site.

As the family interest turned to zero, Florence said “Don’t worry just keep the site going. They will come back.” She sent me a pack of photos for scanning. I returned the originals and used her images are in various articles.

Thanks Florence for your support and encouragement.

Send me anything you want posted

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prince and Molly from Ron Huntington 9-20-2009

The team that worked on the J.O. Huntington farm were Prince and Molly. Molly's favorite trick was to put her E-flat foot (which was considerably larger in circumference than a dinner plate) on top of the sneaker clad foot of the 6-year old (said 6 year old helping Dad harness the team) and look around quizzically trying to figure out what all the fuss was about when the six year old was screaming and kicking her with the unencumbered foot. She never transferred enough weight to that foot to break anything,just enough to temporarily restrain the 6 year old!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lunch with Aunt Florence 9-14-2009

Aunt Florence does not like to have her picture taken so you only get a few chances. She is smiling for the camera ;| This SD picture with Dick, Sherill, and Florence was taken after lunch and we were in the Dakota Pride candy and shipping center. We were sampling Railroad Bill's Cashew Crunch candy. Select ==> Candy Link.

She has not lost her ability to say a lot in a few clear words. Recently she renewed her drivers license. She took the test without glasses and passed. They said they noticed she had glasses and why does she use them. Answer: "To know where they are!" So much for the glasses . . .

She is well and is current on all the world events. She has not bashed Obama yet but is still giving him a chance. She now has a PC with high speed internet but is still learning. She and the mouse do not get along well. She is still connected to WebTV also. She still has her same email Sioux Indian word ID and Use both emails until she has learned the PC.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Comments from Corale 8-4-2009

the photo of the shower in my yard and the ladies with question marks, first ? is Cary Thompson, a very close friend of Tammy and Sophia, 2nd ? is Cathy Stehr, sister in law of Sophia, married to Sophias' 1/2 brother Carsten, the next ? is Molly Stehr, married to Sophias' 1/2 brother Bjorn, next is Abby Grieser, daughter of Rosemary, the next photo with a ? is an anniv. photo, the lady is Cathy Stehr, married to Carsten. The next photo with a ? is at a restaurant and the lady with the question mark is Donna Fink, Victorias' sister. The photo with George, Tammy , Corale and Chris is a photo taken in my back yeard , not a anniv photo. on the photo oEarl and Ed.....who is David Huntington?? The photo of the Huntingtons at the top of your opening page-----the small boys in front are Monte, Boyd, Van and Lonn, I think...I see Clara and Will are in the photo also, Van died at age 6 of heart trouble, "Little Earl sent me a photo of him and remarded it was the only known photo of Van...maybe you can verify the photo through Earl. If it is Van I feel he would love to have a copy of it .......I will forward his address to you in the next e-mail and let me inow if he says it is Van, if it is I would like a copy as well....where did hou come up with the photo?...I do not have one in my collection....Corale

Monday, August 3, 2009

Corale Picture Updates as of 8-7-2009


George C. Goesch, June 2009, Troy, NY
at the college graduation of his oldest granddaughter Sophia Stehr

Abigail Grieser, 18 and Mandy Grieser, 16,
daughters of Rosemary Goesch Grieser,
granddaughters of George and Corale Steele Goesch.
Photo taken in 2009

George and Corale Steele Goesch, June 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Inland Empire Long Course Swim Championships, Wenatchee - TommyG Wins His Events!

TommyG won his boys age group 200 and 100 meter backstroke events at the Inland Empire Long Course Swim Championships at Wenatchee WA on July 23 - 26, 2009. It was very hot weather but the pool was fast and so was Tommy. He had cheerleaders and many team supporters. He also had some family supporters in attendance and they enjoyed a great Italian meal together on Saturday evening.


Cheerleaders - Friend, Girl Friend and Sherill

Warm Up

Tommy gives last minute instructions

Concentrating and ready to go!

Pulling ahead . . .

Body length ahead at the turn

Pulling ahead even more . . .

Pouring it on!

More long arm pulls!

The Winner! by several body lengths and near personal best time!

Sherill & Dick hug the Winner TommyG

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

JoelG Pictures of Family

?,? Amy, Rosemary, Corale, Tammy, Sophia, ?, ?, Victoria, Margaret
@ Shower Event July 11, 2009

"Take your mark" "Bang" Tommy in green cap.

Joel's Tommy and Swim Coach . . .Tommy won
2009 Swimmer Award and
broke 5 team records!

Tammy's Carsten and Sophia @ 50th Anniv.

?, Tammy's Sophia, Margaret, Tammy @ 50th Anniv.

Tammy's Chris, Joel's Tommy and Margaret @ 50th Anniv.

Victoria, Margaret, Corale, ?, Tammy

George, Tammy, Corale, Chris @ 50th Wedding Anniv.

Abby,George, Mandy, Corale, Rosemary, Sam @ 50th Anniv.

Sam, Alan, Bret, George, Corale, Eric, Victoria, Kurt @ 50th Anniv.

Joel, George, Corale, Margaret, Nathan, Tommy @ 50th Anniv.

George, Corale, Amy, Grant, George Kurt @50th Anniv.

Joel's Nathan "Nate" on right with long time friend

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Recent Received Images

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Aunt Florence's "Opal D's Dolls" by David Huntington

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Boyd David Huntington Videos

Not sure of location or date. I am sure that creek water attracts kids. Also that the Indians are right we are Tender Foots. See Video 1 and Video 2 <==Click on Videos

Big Earl and Ed Huntington

Photo credit to David Huntington

I think these are truly great pictures. I choose to honor them and to see the unique character of these two Uncles that are brothers and children of O. E. Huntington. I miss them . . .

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ezra Dunwiddie Homestead in 1909

Click on picture for full size viewing