1916 - 2012

This oehfamily web site is dedicated to Florence Evelyn Huntington. Florence was the biggest supporter of the family web site idea and content. It is amazing that in her later years that she got her P/C and high speed Internet and learned email. She has also read most of the web site.

As the family interest turned to zero, Florence said “Don’t worry just keep the site going. They will come back.” She sent me a pack of photos for scanning. I returned the originals and used her images are in various articles.

Thanks Florence for your support and encouragement.

Send me anything you want posted

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Oehfamily Web Site Summary - Revised

The oehfamily web site will soon celebrate three years of publication. It was nearly deleted once and then recovered. Recent viewing is spotty and greatly lacking in the five family branches. A new picture feature by JoelG seems sadly ignored.

However, where the overall historical genealogy relevance of the oehfamily web site remains high, the real world interest is low. 

Most personal genealogy efforts languish privately as a conglomeration of processed and unprocessed information. Genealogist's ability vary from masters to novice. Newer genealogy computer programs help guide the process but the product is locked in a de facto specification for exchanging genealogical data between different genealogy software. Attempts to add visual understanding only result in other embedded de facto standards encoded within the genealogy specification, which is a demanding task.

Amazing 3D graphic genealogy viewers are hopelessly locked away as intellectual property/capability in companies like Xerox and IBM. These multimedia viewing systems have existed for over 25 years but not widely productized. Microsoft, Apple, Google and may others realize information needs to be visualized to increase understanding and ubiquitous use.

I hope the oehfamily web site survives so that someone can move it forward into the next social networking capability in the future.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Eric Goesch and Cassy Lewis to Wed in April

Select on image for larger view

Eric Goesch, second son of Sam & Victoria Goesch of Keizer, Oregon and Fiancée Cassy Lewis of Silverton, Oregon plan a wedding date of April 24, 2010. Cassy is a very attractive addition to the extended OEH Family.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Joel's Corner ~~ New oehfamily web site feature

Joel Goesch, the second son of George & Corale Goesch, is an accomplished photographer and is willing to share a oehfamily web album called "Joel's Corner". He plans to add pictures to the album link. The family can then view images as slide show or stills when they visit this site. At first he will build up the base album then add current photos that are of interest, so check frequently.

Both Joel and I hope you enjoy (click on)>>> "Joel's Corner". Any family member is welcome to have this kind of photo sharing or any other items they choose. Just send me anything you want on the site. As you can guess setting up a photo album needs some coordination. Following are a few of Joel's samples:

All these images are from Joel G Collection
Copyright Protected

Famous Landmark Sign, Rapid City

Grandson Jeremiah G. & Grandfather George G.

Cornelius Geosch