The Dunwiddies, Glen & Opal and Monte at Newport Beach OR.
My Dad was the most gentle and kind person I have ever known. He worked until he was 80. My Grandson Seth Glen Dunwiddie is very connected to Grandpa Glen who throws coins for Seth to find. Seth keeps them and thanks G/Glen for each find. He found a quarter at the bottom a 14 foot deep swim pool recently and really thought G/Glen sent a big message that day. Glen died peacefully with all of the immediate family was at his side. His sister Vila Dunwiddie Bauer will be 105 this December. She too is a joy and very loving. A year ago she was still cooking for herself. She is now in a nursing home. Her granddaughter Debbie sounds very much like Cindy Lanning and lets me know about Vila.
My Mother was a world class engineer/planner, artist, teacher, and deeply religious. She did a state approved home schooling plan for a friend just before she died at age 95. She completed her Bachelors degree in 1960 after I graduated. She continued working on her Masters until she retired.
Monte was quiet, solaritary, and hard working in later life. He was a loner and spent allot of free time looking for agates on the OR beaches. He was able to find some gem black/white that are extremely rare. He died in his sleep on the day he retired. He was watching TV and that is how they found him the next morning.
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